
United Steelworkers Headquarters Building 60 Blvd. of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15222
The Chairman’s office
The Chairman works closely with the Trustees to ensure the Trust meets all legal requirements, and that the Trust participants receive the highest level of benefits and service. The Chairman is the leader of the Trust staff and is responsible for managing the daily operations of the Trust as well as the relationships with Professionals retained by the Trust. Other roles of the Chairman involve contract review, interpretation, and approval, which includes, but not limited to, Collective Bargaining Agreements as they pertain to the Trust, Pension Incorporation Agreements, vendor licenses and contracts. The Chairman also oversees and deals with Participant and Employer issues, as well as Trust legal issues and Taft Hartley compliance.
Field Services
Field Services works with prospective groups (companies) and current member employers to provide information necessary to initiate or continue participation in the Trust.
New Participant Services:
- Gathers data to evaluate group’s eligibility
- Explains the plan and provide documentation of the plan during negotiations
- Attends ratification and group information meetings as a plan resource & guide
- Prepares the Pension Incorporation Agreement
- Assists with the enrollment process
- Attends USW conferences to inform attendees of the benefits of Trust participation
Current Member Participant Services:
- Provides updates on the Trust status
- Provides informative issue status on accruing and accessing benefits
- Amends or changes the Pension Incorporation Agreement, as addressed by new CBA’s
- Assists groups in bargaining, as requested
- Trains Staff Representatives and Local Union officers on the plan features
- Assists groups in plant closure to inform members of the requirements for benefit eligibility
- Attends meetings of active groups to educate Participants about the Plan
Accounting is responsible for preparing Trust financial statements and budgets, reconciling and reporting Employer contributions and Participant benefit payments, monitoring and processing Trust operational expenses, and filing government mandated reports. Accounting will also oversee the external auditor, banking, investment manager, and custodian relationships to assist and inform the Chairman of the Trust.
Internal Audit
Internal Audit carries out the legally mandated function of examining the records of Employers who contribute to the Trust to determine whether the contributions made by Participating Employers are correct and in compliance with the agreement. The Auditor examines such records as are necessary to ascertain the accuracy of the Participating Employers’ reports and contributions and to report errors made by the Employers.
Chairman’s Office
Daniel A. Bosh
Chairman/Director of Operations
Wanda L. Murphy
Administrative Assistant to the Chairman
Dennis Powell
Field Services Representative
Michelle Bonham
Field Services Representative
Deb Chorba
Accounting Manager
Stanford White
Staff Accountant/Lead Auditor
Paul Rogers
Field Auditor
Cindy Mendoza
Field Auditor
Hayley Holzworth
Field Auditor